The women’s and gender studies minor consists of 15 credit hours, with a minimum of 9 hours at the 3000 level or above. If any courses are applied toward a major, they cannot count toward the minor. In addition to two required courses, students will select any three elective courses from the approved list below. Online and Honors sections of these courses will also satisfy requirements for the minor. Additional courses approved for cross-listing toward the women’s and gender studies minor may be offered occasionally. These courses, which are exceptions to the list below, will be indicated on the course listing.
To formally pursue a minor in women's and gender studies, complete the minor declaration form.
Required Courses
- WMST 2100 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies (3)
- WMST 5980 Feminist Theory (3)
Elective Courses
- ANTH 3000 Culture, Marriage and the Family (3)
- ANTH 3200 Anthropology of Gender (3)
- ANTH 3600 Medical Anthropology (3)
- ANTH 5200 Gender, Development and Culture (3)
- ARTS 3810 Gender and the Visual Arts (3)
- CMJN 4400 Gender Communication (3)
- COMM 5430 Gender, Work and Communication (3) (*By instructor permission)
- COUN 2020 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies (3)
- ENGL 4310 Renaissance British Literature (3)
- ENGL 4320 Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature (3)
- ENGL 4510 Eighteenth-Century Novel (3)
- ENGL 4710 Topics in Gender and Literature (3)
- ENGL 4740 Environment, Literature and Culture (3)
- FLJP 3450 The Woman in the Mirror: Japanese Women's Autobiographical Writing (3)
- HDFS 2000 Marriage and Family in a Global Context/Cross Cultural Perspective (3)
- HDFS 3040 Human Sexuality over the Family Life Cycle (3)
- HDFS 4680 Family in Cross Cultural Perspective (3)
- HDFS 4700 Gender Roles and Close Relationships (3)
- HDFS 5300 Families and Social Policy (3)
- HIST 3020 History of Women in the United States (3)
- HIST 3560 Technology and Gender History (3)
- HIST 3600 Issues in Women’s & Gender History (3)
- HIST 3610 Private Lives and Public Places (3)
- HIST 5030 South to 1877 (3)
- HIST 5060 Making of Modern America, 1877-1929 (3)
- HIST 5970 Special Topics: Gender and Technology (3)
- LEAD 2100 Women and Leadership (3)
- MDIA 3320 Gender and Sexuality in Media (3)
- MUSI 5110 Women in Music (3)
- NURS 2120 Contemporary Topics in Women's Health (3)
- PHIL 1090 Philosophy of Race and Gender (3)
- PHIL 3800 Feminism and Philosophy (3)
- PSYC 2510 Psychology of Sexual Behavior (3)
- POLI 2120 Urbanization and the City (3)
- POLI 3570 Women and Global Politics (3)
- POLI 3720 Issues in Comparative Politics: Gender and Comparative Politics (3)
- POLI 4030 Constitutional Law: Civil Rights (3)
- POLI 5610 Women in Politics (3)
- SOCY 3200 Sports in America (3)
- SOCY 3300 Sociology of the Family (3)
- SOCY 3500 Social Inequalities (3)
- SOCY 5500 Victimology (3)
- SOCY 5600 Sex Crimes (3)
- SOCY 5670 Sociology of Gender (3)
- SOCY 5690 Sociology of Emotions (3)
- SOWO 3800 Human Behavior in the Environment I (3)
- SOWO 3850 Human Behavior in the Environment II (3)
- THEA 4950 Theatre Literature and Theory Seminar (3)
- WMST 3500 Gender, Beauty and Culture (3)
- WMST 3900 Directed Readings in Women’s Studies (1-3)
- WMST 3970 Special Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies (3)