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Department of Psychological Sciences
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, ABM

The Department of Psychological Sciences offers an opportunity for current students to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology in 5 years. 

Please click here to review information about our earning a master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

The application deadline is February 15.

Apply to the Accelerated Bachelor/Master’s program during your junior year by completing the online application.

You will need the following to submit your online application

  • Copy of AU Transcript
  • CV or Resume (optional)
  • Letter of Intent
    • Describe why you are interested in pursuing a master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Address how your experiences make you a suitable applicant for this program. Your statement should be no more than 2 pages and should be single-spaced.  
  • Contact Information for Letter Writers
    • Names and email contact information of two people who will write a letter of recommendation on your behalf
    • Please have letter writers submit letter to     

Current students should meet the following requirements:

  • Student is a current Psychology Major
  • Minimum 3.4 GPA 
  • Minimum of 60 to maximum of 90 credit hours (at least 30 credit hours completed at Auburn University) - exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis

The Industrial/Organizational (I-O) psychology faculty will review all applications to determine student's suitability and entrance into the ABM program. 

Students will be notified of their status for the ABM program usually before the end of spring semester (if not sooner) of their junior year which allows sufficient time to enroll in graduate coursework. The Department of Psychological Sciences will notify the Graduate School with a list of students for approval to pursue the ABM in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. 

Please see M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Science curriculum for course listings.

For additional questions about the ABM Program, please contact Dr. Jesse Michel.

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