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During the American Revolution, Brits weren’t just facing off against white Protestant Christians − US patriots are diverse and have been since Day 1
CONVERSATION: During the American Revolution, Brits weren’t just facing off against white Protestant Christians − US patriots are diverse and have been since Day 1
Productions of "To Kill A Mockingbird" have become a mainstay in Monroeville the last three decades and have been praised by Auburn University professors.
While the use of facial masks have controlled the spread of the virus, they can reduce the audibility of speech cues, thereby reducing the speech intelligibility for listeners.
Researchers in CADC and CLA received grants from the National Park Service to further their efforts to document and preserve African American and civil rights history.
Kennington's project, "Womanhood, Insanity, and Consent in the Nineteenth-Century South," will investigate mental illness, gender and law in the American South.
Renowned recording artist, composer and producer Trammell Starks has been named the Auburn University Department of Music’s first full-time audio recording engineer.
I conducted a study investigating the effects of after-hours work communication. We found a disturbing link between work-related communication outside of regular hours and increased employee burnout. Answering emails after hours was linked to worse productivity and employees badmouthing their employers.