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History doctoral student named ‘One to Watch’

Brucie Porter

The Southeastern Museums Conference featured history doctoral candidate Brucie Porter as the One to Watch in its August newsletter.

Porter was recognized for her work on exhibits and community outreach for the Alabama African American Civil Rights Heritage Sites Consortium (AAACRHSC) in Birmingham, Alabama. She joined the AAACRHSC Public History team in February 2023, working directly with St. Paul United Methodist Church on preliminary research for its first permanent exhibition. Through her research, the church’s congregation has been reintroduced to more than a century of social justice work that made the church well-equipped to support the Birmingham Campaign in 1963.

Porter is currently supporting work in Montgomery's Centennial Hill neighborhood as the organization explores ways to protect its heritage sites from development encroachment.

Porter has also researched the history of rural, low income and predominantly Black public schools in hopes to change the conversation around school funding. Read more about her project, “The System Works as Intended: Alabama’s Property Tax Structure and Public School Systems.

Tags: History Students

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